Bramley’s Families

Bramley’s Families is a relaxed, fun and messy service for families exploring faith. If you are a family with children aged 0-11, you are welcome to join us at 3.30 term time on Thursdays.

There are craft activities, snacks, praise, stories and prayer.

Come as a family!

What to expect on Thursday at Bramley’s Families

Crafts Activities: We start our time together with some free flowing craft based activities. The whole family can join and there are usually some good conversation starters for you to think about to link with our theme.

Snacks: It’s probably been a busy day so there will be some light snacks available for everyone to refuel.

Praise: We love singing to God and learn new songs together. Sometimes we do a bit of a work out with actions.

Stories: We learn about God by sharing stories from the bible through drama, actions and videos. Most of the time we all get involved.

Prayer: When we spend time with God we love chatting to him. This is also called prayer. It’s a two way conversation though and so we like to spend time listening to see if we catch something from God too.